WoW SoD Hunter Raid Guide - How to be a better hunter player?
Currently, there is no comprehensive hunter guide available. Therefore, integrating a hunter raid guide would be convenient for those who wish to play hunter and deal ideal damage in Blackfathom Deeps. While most of the conclusions in this article have been calculated and battle-verified, they may not be completely accurate. If you have any doubts, please verify the information yourself.
Class Orientation
The statistics on Warcraft Logs are publicly available. Raid playstyles are generally consistent, with minimal differences in player gear and stable buffs and factors, making the data on WCL highly informative. However, some exceptional situations should pay attention to:
- There is a significant difference between the head team and the ordinary team buff and debuff completion, team configuration, and time spent. Therefore, the conclusion will vary.
- The Latest Data: Based on the latest data from Warcraft Logs for Blackfathom Deeps, Warriors and Rogues are the top two classes in terms of damage dealt, followed by Hunters and Warlocks in third place. Rogue>Warrior>Warlock≈Hunter.
- Due to the current version of the highest level of only 25, the hunter's pet appears to be very powerful, as evidenced by the WCL head data on BOSS battles, where pet damage accounted for about 50% of the total damage.
- WoW Classic Plus has a spot of 8 yards for long-range shooting and a melee range of 5 yards. Therefore, some skills have discomfort zones that require players to practice more to avoid sluggish operations.
- In the current version, the length of the boss fight will not significantly impact your score as long as you have sufficient magic power because the gloves are exclusive to hunters and racial skills.

Character Attributes and Pet Selection
Character Attributes
WoW Classic Plus is based on the 60 Classic.
- Strength: 1 Strength = 1 Melee AP. Due to the existence of Flanking Strike and Melee Raptor Dance playstyles now, strength cannot be considered a 0 gain attribute;
- Agility: 1 Agility = 2 Ranged AP & 1 Melee AP, 1 Agility = 0.08 Blitz, 26.5 Agility = 1 Dodge. 98% of damage depends on this attribute;
- Stamina: 1 Stamina = 10HP, ignore. There is no such thing as sudden death in raids with too little blood in this version, so it is not required;
- Intelligence: 1 Intelligence = 15 blue, basically ignore;
- Spirit: Ignore. Although much of the equipment now comes with the spirit attribute, it is only effective in off-fighting for Hunters.

Pet Selection
- Pet attributes only affect the body's AP.
- The pet is not a snapshot mechanism, so there is no need to prepare all the gain buffs before summoning the pet.
- Pets generally do not have death scenarios, but please let your teammates increase your pet's stamina and use Agility Scrolls 2 and Strength Scrolls 2 yourself. Try to stay with melee professions in the same squad to keep your pet can get melee buffs.
- Currently, there are only two types of pets: felines and wind serpents. There is not much difference between these two pets. Wind Serpents are slightly better, in armor-shattering debuff is enough, and in the case of a melee team, feline pets are a better choice. However, Wind Serpents' Lightning Spit Suction is not physical damage, which is a huge advantage when fighting Ghamoo-ra.
Preparation for Battle
The main principle for equipment selection is to maximize your Agility. Using Best in Slot (BIS) equipment is not essential, as the difference between non-BIS items is only 1-2 Agility.
There are not many options to choose from. Traditional talent combinations will suffice.
Chest: Heart of the Lion, Master Marksman (If you have a hunter teammate, choose Master Marksman)
Hands: Beast Mastery
Pants: Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike, Kill Command or Sniper Training
Tips for Bosses
Baron Aquanis
Reference battle time: 30s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Heart of the Lion, Beast Mastery, and Kill Command
Reference Battle Time: 90s
Pet: Wind Serpent/Scorpion
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Kill Command
Lady Sarevess
Reference battle time: 30s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Flanking Strike
Reference battle time: 120s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Kill Command
Lorgus Jett
Reference battle time: 90s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Flanking Strike
Twilight Lord Kelris
Reference battle time: 90s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Sniper Training
Reference battle time: 110s
Pet: Feline
Runes: Master Marksman with wingman (hunter teammates), Heart of the Lion without wingman/Beast Mastery/Flanking Strike
The above is the content of a WoW SoD Hunter raid guide. Hoping this guide will help you achieve a satisfactory score in Blackfathom Deeps. It is important to note that you must be lucky enough to deal enough blitz damage to reach 100. Just be patient. Buy WoW SoD gold coins and items at Gameusd, if you have any needs.