WoW SoD Blackfathom Deeps Guide

 Author:  Gameusd

How to farm Gold in WoW SoD?

The first phase of WoW Plus has been open for a while, and most players have already leveled up to 25 and formed their exclusive rune system. However, this process has cost players a lot of Gold coins, and as the game progresses, the need for Gold will gradually increase. How to earn Gold has become a problem that most players must solve. This article will provide players with an easy and efficient way to farm Gold by challenging Blackfathom Deeps and getting the best gears in the current version to sell. The following will explain the mechanics of the seven bosses in Blackfathom Deeps to help players get through the raid quickly. If you want to challenge Blackfathom Deeps after reading this article, but your gear and runes are not up to the threshold of the raid, you can go to Gamusd to buy WoW Plus Gold and items to make it easier for you to pass the Blackfathom Deeps.
seven bosses

Baron Aquanis

The initial opponent in Blackfathom Deeps is Baron Aquanis, who possesses five skills. The mechanics are undemanding, and he is a simple boss to defeat.baron aquanis

  1. Ice Arrow
    Selects a player at random to receive single-target damage;
  2. Deep Water Bomb
    Targets a single player and explodes at the end of the countdown, knocking all players away. The targeted player should jump into the water before the countdown ends and wait for the bomb to explode before returning to the ground.
  3. Bubble beam
    The boss casts a rotating AOE around the perimeter, requiring melee and tanks to avoid it.
  4. Torrent Tilt
    Name a player to cast, place it, and avoid the small AOE. Long-distance and healing professions should also be careful about this skill. So far, it seems that the cast will only target players far away.
  5. Torrent Bubbles
    Be aware of the circumferential range knockback of Riptide Bubbles. Melee and tanks should pay attention to their position and make sure not to be knocked into the water.


The second boss, Ghamoo-ra, is a massive turtle with three skills. This boss is relatively straightforward, with only two points requiring attention. The first is that healers need to keep the group's health before the boss's shield breaks and deals damage. The second is that ST must actively target the blisters to create enough space for healing and ranged players to maneuver.ghamoo-ra

  1. Armor Crush
    Attach an armor-breaking buff to the main tank. Once two layers have been reached, switch out the tank to alleviate pressure on the healing;
  2. Aquatic Armor
    Ghamoo-ra will gain a bubble shield. Breaking the shield will result in full-screen AoE damage of approximately 400 blood, and add a vulnerability buff to the boss. When the shield is close to breaking, the healer must ensure the group's overall health is maintained.
  3. Unstable bubbles
    Randomly appear in the venue and all players must pay attention to their position to avoid harm from touching them. ST needs to take the initiative to collide with the bubbles, allowing the remote and healing players enough space to move.

Lady Sarevess

The third boss in Blackfathom Deeps is Lady Sarevess, a female Naga. The overall difficulty is lower than the previous two, you can easily pass her. Lady Sarevess possesses three skills.Lady Sarevess

  1. Frozen Arrow
    A reading skill lasting 2.5 seconds that freezes the target and nearby entities upon completion. It can be interrupted, so only classes with interrupt skills should attempt to interrupt during the read;
  2. Fork Lightning
    A small area of effect attack that randomly targets a player and damages surrounding players. Healing professions should prioritize tending to the wounded.
  3. Summon Naga
    Summons a male Naga every 90 seconds. Since most teams are capable of defeating the boss before the first Naga appears, even others with less damage still have another 90 seconds of margin for error. Therefore, when the male Naga appears, the tank controls the aggro, and DPS does not need to turn fire to kill him.


Gelihast is the boss encountered on the fourth level within Blackfathom Deeps. He possesses three lives and must be defeated three times. Upon each resurrection, Gelihast's skills undergo minor changes. After the first resurrection, the use of Shadow Crash increases significantly. A new ability is introduced upon the second resurrection, which summons tentacles from the ground to attack. At this level, players will encounter more challenging obstacles with complex mechanics or higher DPS requirements. However, if you have mastered the combat techniques, these obstacles can be easily overcome. If your equipment isn't enough to handle Blackfathom Deeps and you require an upgrade but lack the necessary funds, you may buy WoW Classic Gold from Gameusd.Gelihast

  1. Curse of Blackfathom
    A dot-type debuff cast by the boss naming one player at random, which can be dispelled. Healers should pay attention to who in the team is named and dispel it;
  2. Shadow Strike
    The boss casts a vulnerable type of death penalty on MT, two layers need to switch tanks to deal with;
  3. Shadow Crash
    Gelihast randomly named a player and threw an AoE, before landing it will show the range, and players see their feet appear in a circle, directly away from it;
  4. March of the Murlocs
    Gelihast will be invincible every time he drops to 10% blood, and summons an army of Fishmen to charge, players need to walk to avoid, being hit by 300 damage;
  5. Fear
    The boss randomly names a player to cast a control-type debuff, which can be dispelled;
  6. Blackfathom Tendril
    This is a skill that only appears during the second resurrection. Gelihast will summon tentacles from the ground to attack, requiring DPS to turn the fire in time to clear it. It should be noted that if Gelihast does not have much blood remaining, you can choose not to clean up the tentacles anymore and focus on killing the boss according to the damage dealt by your team.

Lorgus Jett

Lorgus Jett, the fifth boss of Blackfathom Deeps, is also one of the easier ones left of the remaining tiers. There are only three mechanics in total, and none of them are complex enough to be dealt with with relative ease. However, depending on the team, there can be issues with dealing damage and healing.Lorgus Jett

  1. Wind Fury Totem
    A randomly appearing ground, that can continue to inflict ranged AoE damage. Due to the lack of resources to deal damage in the early stage, you can choose not to fight off, Tank will be the boss to pull out of the totem attack range;
  2. Lightning Totem
    A totem that can release AoE to deal damage. And during the totem's existence, the boss will bounce back the damage received. It is the only totem that needs to be dealt with, and needs to be knocked out while taking damage from the totem, remembering to turn on damage reduction to reduce the pressure on the healers;
  3. Lava Totem
    A totem that can summon fireballs. Does not need to be dealt with, same as Wind Fury Totem, just pull the boss out of the attack range by Tank.

Twilight Lord Kelris

As the guardian of the sixth floor, Twilight Lord Kelris is the first challenge in this Blackfathom Deeps raid. The difficulty is mainly in the values. Mechanics are more varied but not too troublesome to handle. After familiarizing yourself with all the skills and ways to handle them, what you need to do is focus on dealing damage.Lord Kelris

  1. Shadow Crash
    It's the same as Gelihast's Shadow Crash on the fourth level, with the only difference being that the circle named by Twilight Lord Kelris, will slowly expand. Players need to take care to avoid it;
  2. Sleep
    Twilight Lord Kelris randomly names a player to cast a debuff that will put the player to sleep, which can be lifted by taking damage;
  3. Shadow Chain
    Twilight Lord Kelris casts the dot on the player, which can be dispelled or interrupted. It is recommended that choose directly interrupt the skill read;
  4. Mind Blast
    This skill is a bit special. Twilight Lord Kelris will read the skill to a hate target, but the damage will be borne by the players closest to him. Please pay attention to your position;
  5. Teleportation infield
    Twilight Lord Kelris will teleport the two nearest players into the infield. Once in the infield, players must defeat the monsters. These monsters transform into tentacles when they are low on health. After defeating the tentacles, a portal will appear, allowing players to return to the infield. It's important to note that players teleported will have a no-teleportation buff. Therefore, you must coordinate the order of entry into the portal;
  6. Dream Realm Embodiment
    This is a skill that will appear in the second stage, dealing sustained damage to all players on the field. Please pay attention to the blood level of the whole group in the healing profession, and the DPS will try their best to deal damage and defeat the Boss as soon as possible.


As the final boss of Blackfathom Deeps, Aku'mai is simple, but brutal. The skill mechanics are not complicated, and can even be considered very simple. But be careful, because his dps check is very high.Aku'mai has two phases, and 50% blood is the node where it transitions phases.akumai

P1 Poison Dragon Stage (50%+ blood)

  1. Erosion Tear
    Debuff cast by Boss on the current Hatred, after 3 layers you need to find Water Elemental in the field to clean off the buff. water elemental will split into multiple poisonous water balls after being used, please pay attention to players to divert the firepower to kill it;
  2. Hate Strike
    Death penalty type skill, launched against the current second hate;
  3. Corrosive Shock
    Aku'mai randomly turns to a direction to spit, please pay attention to avoid, if hit by the spit, will get a poison buff, with the same effect as the erosion of the bite, and also need to find the water elemental to clean.

P2 Dark Dragon Stage (below 50% blood)

  1. Void Fangs
    Although the skill name has changed, the actual effect is the same as Erosion Tear. The poison buff has become a dark buff, but the treatment remains the same;
  2. Void Burst
    Exactly the same as Hate Strike.


This Blackfathom Deeps raid marks the culmination of Season of Discovery. However, it is the level 25 version and the mechanics are not particularly challenging. Low leveling may result in reduced damage output or healing ability, but players can overcome these issues with proficiency. After completing the level, players have the option to sell equipment acquired within Blackfathom Deeps or accompany other players who have yet to complete the level, which can be a profitable choice to earn Gold coins. If your goal is to solely experience raiding without the tedium of earning Gold within Blackfathom Deeps, Gameusd provides the option to buy WoW Classic Gold.